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Your Vote Matters....

If this past week didn’t prove that elections have consequences you must be asleep at the wheel. In the past weeks we have witnessed supermarket customers killed in Buffalo, NY. The murderer targeted the store because it’s primary customers are people of color. As a result a leisurely trip to pick up few groceries cost 10 people their lives.

The mourning hadn’t end in Buffalo when a murderer entered an elementary school in Uvalde, TX. A day of celebrating the end of another semester ended with 19 kids and two teachers being executed. The killer also shot his grandmother before heading off to Rose Elementary School to wreck havoc on innocent children and teachers.

As you know if I were detail every shooting it would be an endless list. Since the beginning of this year, there have already been 277 reported mass shootings in the United States — an average of more than one per day.

With the United States history of senseless murders the Supreme Court in its infinite wisdom said Thursday (06/23/22) that Americans have a right to carry firearms in public for self-defense. This ruling is the biggest expansion of gun rights in US history and is in no way helpful to law enforcement or the safety of US citizens.

In addition to opening up “guns to go” on Thursday the Court ruled to limit the ability to enforce the Miranda Rights. The ruling states that a suspect who is not warned of their right to remain silent cannot sue for damages. By limiting Miranda Rights it exposes those being charged from “being innocent until proven guilty.”

Even with all these changes the Court had time to overturn Roe v Wade holding there is no longer a federal constitutional right to an abortion. Even though approximately six of ten adults were against overturning the ruling the Court ruled in isolation. A woman’s “Right to Choose” for 50 years is now open for attach. State legislators will be woking overtime to find a solution for a problem that really didn’t exist.

So how has this all come to pass? It is a result of elections and those we choose to lead. As the country has turned more combative so have those elected officials.

The Supreme Court problems began during the second term of the Obama Administration. With republicans holding the majority in the Senate Mitch McConnell and his gang of thugs hijacked an Obama selection for the Court. The nominee wasn’t given a hearing let alone a vote to approve. All of this with the backdrop that Obama still had a year in office. The illustrious Charles Grassley who remains unapologetic for refusing to hold a hearing for Merrick Garland still believes he did what was right. As a result the Court functioned one member short until the “Tangerine Ball Bag” was elected. The Senate immediately went to work on approving Neil Gorsuch to the bench. The speed with appointing continued for Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett.

With those three appointments the impact of the Court will be felt for years. The Court no longer functions without a political influence.

So how did this happen? It is the result of citizen’s votes or lack there of. We have sat back and watched radical groups get their candidates elected. With each new member comes the real chance things will get worse and one day we’ll wake thinking we were taken back to the 1950’s by Doc Brown and Marty McFly.

We are in an election year and we must make every effort to elect the candidates that provide us the best opportunity to impact change and keep our rights and freedoms in the 21st Century.

We must take our right to vote seriously! If you aren’t register - Register! If you didn’t vote in the primary elections make sure you vote in the General Election!

Vote Like It Matters…. because damn it is DOES!



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