As we sat at the bar of a local restaurant waiting for an iced tea and cocktail and to place our order a poster on the wall of the kitchen entrance caught my eye. The poster read….
”We may have all come on different ships
But we’re in the same boat now.”
When the bartender returned with our beverages I asked if she would take a picture of the poster for me. She gladly obliged and upon her return a short conversation ensued. She found it interesting that I noticed the poster and wanted a photo of it. She shared only her and the manager ever comment on it or the meaning.
Her comments rang clear as a woman of color as well as her manager. I didn’t ask about family ancestor but it became clear she found it interesting a white guy would ask about the poster.
Shari and I talked about the poster and the situation a little on the drive home. Shari’s grandparents came from Holland and mine from Italy. We are both second generation Americans.
I can’t speak the how Shari’s grandparents impacted her life but I’ve written often about the influence my Italian heritage has had on me, both the positive and negative.
Growing up I remember the United States was referred to as the "melting pot of the world." A place where people from all over the world came together and to make this a great place to live and raise a family. They valued the freedoms many had never experienced in their homeland. These immigrants helped build the country we know today. Yes, bigotry has always been a part of our history but nothing like today.
…. We no longer value where people are from.
…. We no longer respect each other for the people we are.
…. We no longer appreciate the differences our heritage has given us.
…. We no longer tolerate those who worship different than us.
…. We no longer accept that some may love differently.
…. We no longer tolerate someone with a different political position than ours.
…. We no longer accept an individual’s name but are quick to call them derogatory ones.
…. We no longer value the rights of individuals to make decisions about their bodies & lives.
…. We no longer believe that “Our liberties we prize and our rights we will maintain.”
Sadly the term “melting pot” term no longer applies. In fact, all of our differences have become cause for hatred, bigotry, name calling and even violence.
Our political system appears to be a main source of all this disrespect. Politicians no long work together for the betterment of everyone but only want to advance rules and support for those that think and look like them. Instead of finding solutions they find blame and have names for those that don’t agree with them. Terms like “woke” have been associated with “those aware of and actively attentive to important facts and issues (especially issues of racial and social justice).” Candidates on the right use the term when they lack a real answer for those questioning a position they have taken.
No place better depicts the “No longer respect….” theme than the state of Iowa. The state motto that is a part of every state flag states….
“Our liberties we prize and our rights we will maintain.”
Our current leaders seem to have a different interpretation of the motto as these "liberties and rights" only seem to apply to a select few and not to everyone.
I wish that the poster on the restaurant kitchen wall were as simple to apply and the artist’s creativity. Sadly, this seems the farthest thing from our leaders minds or recollection. Remember….
“ …. we’re in the same boat now.”
February 16, 2024