The Iowa Legislature led by our “wanna-be governor” continue to pass legislation that according to them “protect Iowa students.” They offer the idea of giving parents more say in their children’s education and their lives.
Iowa’s leadership and the governor passed/signed new laws that say training and lessons are banned from promoting certain ideas, including that the U.S. and the state of Iowa are fundamentally or systemically racist or sexist. It bans several other concepts, including “race or sex scapegoating” or stereotyping.
No teaching “critical race theory” which is about a set of ideas holding that racial bias is inherent in many parts of western society, especially in its legal and social institutions, on the basis of their having been primarily designed for and implemented by white people. God forbid we’d recognize our history of discrimination, racial inequity or treatment of individuals based on race, place of origin or religious beliefs. (BTW where is CRT being taught in Iowa?) How many times have we heard…. “Those who don't know their history are doomed to repeat it. You have to expose who you are so that you can determine what you need to become.” (Cynthia A. Patterson)
The Iowa legislature is still considering a bill that would ban some books in state schools. This legislation would also expose teachers and librarians to face misdemeanor charges for allowing books considered obscene in classroom (including facing a jail term of one year and fines up to $2500). Even though a majority of Iowans oppose this bill conservative parents have rallied against books that often contain sexual scenes or LGBTQ storylines, saying the material is inappropriate for children and should be removed from schools. Forget school districts in the state have their own procedures for the review and removal of library books. Parents of schoolchildren already have control over what their child reads, and they can work with their student's teacher and school to limit their access to certain books. Schools should not remove access to these books for all children in the classroom or school because a few think it’s appropriate…
I wonder the last time some of those folks read a book or stepped in a library?
And that’s only the beginning of “Kim’s Gang” protecting our kids. Those damned educators and their “sinister agenda” must be stopped before they normalize children’s deviant behavior according to then Iowa Senate President Jake Chapman. Guess the voters in his district didn’t agree with him as he was defeated later that year.
If the controls on education weren’t enough the “band of conservatives” decided it was their job to correct the wrongs created by people that were different than them with legislation aimed at driving youth “straight.” With that thought the “Kim’s Gang” went about writing legislation to correct these wrongs, or more like what they could copy from other red states.
Before signing legislation that bans minors from receiving gender-affirming care in Iowa and another forcing transgender Iowa students to use bathrooms and facilities of their sex assigned at birth, instead of their gender identity. “Wanna-Be Kim” told the media…. “My heart goes out to them. I'm a parent, I'm a grandmother. I know how difficult this is. This is an extremely uncomfortable position for me to be in and I don't like it.” "But I have to do what I believe right now is in the best interest of the kids.”
If “Poor Old Kim” really believed her statement “… I have to do what I believe right now is in the best interest of the kids.” why does she and her legislative puppets continue to pass laws taking away the rights of kids who aren’t like them? Or pass one piece of gun legislation after another?
Since 2021 Iowa has passed a constitutional amendment that says “The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. The sovereign state of Iowa affirms and recognizes this right to be a fundamental individual right. Any and all restrictions of this right shall be subject to strict scrutiny.” Gun permit requirements were removed that require a permit to carry or purchase a handgun or carry a firearm in public places, Iowa hunters will be able to use semi-automatic weapons, including AR-15 rifles, to kill deer in more parts of Iowa during a new “Antler-less” season, and there are still bills in the process with time to pass before the session ends.
So why all this background?
If Iowa really cares about what’s best for Iowa kids why are they passing/approving so many bills that seem to be just the opposite. Seems the belief is for a child’s good certain books should be banned and certain topics shouldn’t be taught in classrooms.
But wait, I can buy a handgun without a permit, no background check or a check of ability to use a weapon safely…. “Do these laws make it safer for kids to be kids?"
If you believe parents need more say in their child’s education than why not listen to them as they discuss gun control, curriculum and library books? Instead legislation that would strengthen gun rights in Iowa was introduced during this year’s legislative session. The bill would allow the possession of firearms in vehicles parked at schools, jails, and higher education institutions.
Is it time to remove the “School Safe Zone” signs? You know the signs that say “Drug and Weapon Free Zone.”
Iowa republican leaders (if that’s what they’re called) continue to run the state without regard to the majority of citizens or those that believe differently.
It’s sad!
Iowans need to get off their asses and find quality candidates to represent us and then get out and VOTE or our lives will continue on this down hill slide.
OR, have we given up?
Sources: Des Moines Register, Daily Iowan, NPR, USA Today, ACLU
March 29, 2023